Essay about Four Pillars of Education

    Today's topic of discussion is, What are the Four Pillars of Education or Four Pillars of Learning?   

    The idea of four pillars of education was suggested by Jacques DelorsIn 1993, an International Commission on Education, known as the 'Delors Commission', was set up under the leadership of Jacques Delors with financial assistance from UNESCO. This commission published a report titled "Learning : The Treasure Within" on 11 April 1996. The Delors Commission in this report mentioned 'Four Pillars of Education' or 'Four Pillar of Learning'. Following is a brief discussion of the four pillars of education according to the Delors Commission.

According to Delores Commission the Four Pillars of Education are -

  1. Learning to know
  2. Learning to do
  3. Learning to live together
  4. Learning to be

    Following is a brief discussion of the four pillars of education proposed by the Delor Commission.

1. Learning to Know

   According to Delor's Commission the first important pillar of education is 'Education to Know'. In a word, education for knowledge refers to the acquisition of knowledge about various subjects, which is able to fulfill the knowledge needs of the individual. Acquiring knowledge is essential to adapt oneself to this changing environment. Moreover, it is only by gaining this knowledge that man can develop himself in all aspects and can advance in the struggle of life by solving new problems.

2. Learning to Do

   According to the Delors Commission the second important pillar of education is 'Education for Action'. The education through which the student acquires the ability to work, develops a sense of respect for work, acquires special skills to do a job efficiently, develops the mentality of working together in unity among the students, the inherent ability of the student is revealed. Education is called education for action. According to Delor's Commission the students of the educational institution will emerge as a trained worker as they gain knowledge.

3. Learning to Live Together

    The third important pillar of education according to the Delors Commission is 'Education for Living Together'. The education of living together refers to the education that by acquiring education, students develop the mentality of living together regardless of gender, caste, religion, caste, language, rich, poor. This teaching teaches the student to develop a sense of brotherhood by abandoning narrow-minded attitudes of violence and hatred. Which Delors Commission thinks is a very necessary education in this 21st century.

4. Learning to Be

    According to the Delors Commission, the fourth pillar of education is human education. Education which talks about development of social qualities like co-operation, co-operation, sympathy etc. as well as inculcating moral values ​​in students is education to become a human being. This education teaches the student to abandon the attitude of selfishness and perform actions selflessly. Therefore, according to the Delors Commission, 'Education to be human' is another one of the most important objectives or pillars of education.

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